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New Zealand Cricket educates all contract cricketers, including IPL players on the coronavirus – Firstcricket News, Firstpost


Auckland: Disrupted by the new threat of fast-spreading coronavirus, New Zealand Cricket (NZC) educates its contract players, including the six players who will play in the Indian Premier League (IPL), about preventive measures to deal with the ; deadly epidemic.

New Zealand Cricket educates all contract cricketers, including IPL players on the coronavirus

File image of Kane Williamson. Sportzpics

In India, 29 positive cases have been reported to date, including 16 Italian tourists. Worldwide, the virus has claimed the lives of more than 3,000 people and infected more than 90,000 people.

"All New Zealand players, male and female, are updated on the latest developments, including best practices and preventative measures, as new information arrives," said the Director of Public Affairs for the NZC, Richard Boock, in a press release to PTI.

The six New Zealand players who will play in the IPL are Jimmy Neesham (KXIP), Lockie Ferguson (Kolkata Knight Riders), Mitchell McClenaghan and Trent Boult (both Mumbai Indians), Kane Williamson (Sunrisers Hyderabad) and Mitchell Santner (Chennai Super Kings).

Boock also said that the cricket council is in constant contact with the country's Ministry of Health, Foreign Affairs and Sports to obtain regular updates that will ensure the sanitary safety of its players.

"The NZC is in constant communication with its chief medical officer, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade, the Ministry of Health and Sports NZ, and monitors updates from the World Health Organization to ensure adherence to best practices, "said Boock.

The BCCI has already stated that it will continue with the IPL as planned from March 29.

The Indian Board, however, has not yet issued travel advisories for foreign and domestic players.

During the IPL, the number of selfie hunters and autographs is increasing and it is expected that players will be asked to refrain from public gatherings given the circumstances.

The England team, currently on tour in Sri Lanka, have been ordered to avoid handshakes and limit jokes to punches.

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Publication date: 05 March 2020

| Date of update: 05 March 2020


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Date of update: 05 March 2020 10:34:39 IST

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