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Rohit Sharma CricKingdom Cricket Academy launched in Nagpur


It's a moment of pride for Nagpurs cricket lovers, as Indian drummer Rohit Sharma teamed up with CricKingdom and Shree Sports Cricket Academy to create a cricket academy in the heart of Nagpur in Din Dayal Nagar. Shree Sports Cricket Academy presents CricKingdom by Rohit Sharma which will begin operations in Nagpur by April 15.

Samir Khare, head coach and director of the Shree Sports Cricket Academy, welcomed Hitmans brother Vishal Sharma CricKingdom, country chief Parag Dahiwal and other guests to the press conference.

This partnership between the dynamic Rohit Sharma and CricKingdom will be a unique configuration unlike ordinary academies and it will guarantee that young people will be cared for and trained by renowned coaches. Trainees will be subjected to a holistic program and the progress of each individual will be monitored by experts and their performance throughout the training period will be assessed regularly.

CricKingdom brand ambassador Rohit Sharma, who is currently traveling overseas, said: I am delighted that CricKingdom has launched a cricket academy with the Shree Sports Cricket Academy in my hometown of Nagpur. I would like to congratulate Samir Khare for bringing our platform to Nagpur and making a difference in Nagpur cricket. We can now promote cricket locally through the personalized annual program, the in-house mobile app for training and monitoring and the global access to CricKingdom academies. The incredible team with its rich experience in managing the best operations of the academy will certainly make it a reality.

Parag Dahiwal – Director and Country Head who also represented Singapore, said: We want children to start playing cricket from the age of 5, where they build muscle memory and soon develop to be a feeder for schools, districts, state and country. sides. Parents will have complete visibility into the progress of their service, which will make it more transparent and more impactful.

CricKingdom will host coaches for all Nagpur coaches in March, regular lots will start on April 15. The Academy will be open throughout the year for boys and girls of all age groups from the age group of 5 years and above. The academy will also offer a free session every week for girls aged 5 to 16, to promote women's cricket in India.

The full Shree Sports and CricKingdoms coaching team will include Samir Khaire, Jatin Yadav, Vishwajeet Thakare and a few assistant coaches.

Specialized camps, clinics, fitness, strength and conditioning, video analysis sessions, personal training and national / international visits are some other premium features offered by the academy. CricKingdom currently has 1 academy in Singapore, 9 in India and a few more in the next 2 months, notably in India and other countries like Germany, Qatar, the UK and ;Australia.

Students of the academy will receive master class sessions with Rohit and Dhawal, subject to their availability.

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