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DUB VS AJM Dream11 prediction today: Fantasy Cricket Tips for Dubai vs Ajman D10 encounter


DUB VS AJM Dream11 prediction today: Fantasy Cricket Tips for Dubai vs Ajman D10 encounter

DUB VS AJM Dream11 prediction today: Fantasy Cricket Tips for Dubai vs Ajman D10 encounter | Photo Credit: Representative Image

Dubai takes on Ajman in a pivotal Emirates 10 match at the Sharjah Cricket Ground. Ajman is fighting for a place in the semifinals as they are in fourth place, four points ahead of Abu Dhabi in fifth. A win here will more or less confirm their place in the knockout stages. So far they have played nine games and became winners in all four.

Meanwhile, Dubai are the wooden spoon holders of the competition as they are in last place. Their campaign was nothing short of forgettable after they won one of their nine league games. Their lone win in the league came in the first of their two games against Abu Dhabi last week.

This will also be the second meeting between these two teams this season. The reverse match saw an elaborate 10 wicket win for Ajman.

My Dream 11 for Dubai vs Ajman Emirates D10 meeting

A Shakoor, Asif-Khan (C), D Qureshi, V Nawaz, B Naquib, A Hamza (VC), M Hassan, A Anwaar, M Farooq, N Keswani, S Piya

Dubai is likely to play 11

Adnaan Khan, Omer Farooq, Muhammad Usman, Bilal Cheema, Saqib Manshad, Shahrukh Sheikh, Ronak Panoly, Nilansh Keswani, Rahul Bhatia, Ali Naseer, Punya Mehra

Ajman is probably playing 11

Abdul Shakoor, Anand Kumar, Rameez Shahzad, Waqas Ali, Asif Khan, Amjad Gul, Nasir Aziz, Sheraz Piya, Sharif Asadullah, Rishabh Mukherjee, Sultan Muhammad Akhtar


Dubai: Fahad Nawaz, Wajid Khan, Shahrukh Sheikh (c), Ronak Panoly, Ali Anwar, Muhammad Hassan, Adhitya Shetty, Kai Smith, Muhammad Farooq, Nilansh Keswani, Ehtesham Siddiq, Jash Giyanani, Rudra Mahadev, Punya Mehra, Vinayak Vijakooayan, Vinayak Vijakooijan , Bilal Cheema.

Ajman: Nasir Aziz, Syed Haider, Bahzad Naquib, Zubair Zuhaib, Amjad Khan, Abdul Shakoor, Asif Khan, Muhammad Kaleem Hafiz, Shahan Akram, Ameer Hamza, Lovepreet Singh, Sultan Ahmed, Sheraz Ahmad, Danish Qureshi, Hassan Khalid, Sandeep Singh, Hamad Arshad, Dawood Ejaz.

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