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Monadnock Ledger-Transcript – Hockey: Ravens Roles Keene State


Published: 4/5/2021 11:36:15 AM

Field hockeyRaven rolls Keene State

Back on the field for the first time since the end of the 2019 season, the Franklin Pierce University hockey team filled the net at Sodexo Field early and often on Thursday evenings. Freshman Anna Beck scored twice, while sophomore Meghan Winn added a goal and an assist, and freshman Alannah Johnson of Greenville added an assist in her collegiate debut as the Ravens fellow institution from Cheshire County, Keene State, in a non-conference game persuaded, 6-0.

With the win, Franklin Pierce opens the shortened spring season 1-0, while Keene State drops to 0-2. It was the very first meeting between the Division II Ravens and the Division III Owls in hockey. It was the first win as a collegiate head coach for Marissa Shaw.

International freshman Julia Rooijakkers got the party started for the Ravens with a goal of just 3:36 in her own college debut on a give-and-go with fellow freshman Annie Corbet.

Beck hit for her first two collegiate goals, just 87 seconds apart in the first 10 minutes.

Freshman forward Alannah Johnson made a splash in her debut, feeding the ball through the center of the circle for sophomore Karly Holgerson, who slid an inverted stick into the left side of the net for her first collegiate goal.

Later, in the 28th minute, sophomore Christine Jarowicz did all the hard work, carrying the ball through the circle and into a top scoring area, only to have it punctured by a Keene State defender and then fell to the ground. Winn was the beneficiary, as she found the loose ball in the middle of the yard sale and tucked it into the top of the cage to allow herself a three-point night.

Another goal, just 39 seconds into the third quarter, would create the 6-0 final. In corner play, the Ravens worked the ball to the right for Beck, who sent a long shot from the edge of the circle. Freshman goalkeeper Victoria Watson made the save, but the rebound came to the right and right on freshman Silver Clukey’s stick. Clukey did not miss the second chance and became the fourth Raven of the night to score her first collegiate goal.

Senior Olivia Barnes played in the net for the first three quarters to take the victory (1-0) for Franklin Pierce, after she stopped all three shots she encountered. Sophomore MacKenzie Potvin completed the shutout, turning aside the only shot she encountered in the fourth quarter.

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