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Browns signs Jadeveon Clowney for an annual contract worth up to $ 10 million


The multi-year alliance between Jadeveon Clowney and the Cleveland Browns has finally produced something tangible.

The Browns are signing Clowney for a one-year deal worth up to $ 10 million, NFL Network Insider Ian Rapoport reported Wednesday. Cleveland later announced the move. The signing followed a physical clincher for Clowney, whose 2020 season ended prematurely due to a knee injury.

Clowney’s signing resolves what has been a kind of flirtation between the edge rusher and the Browns that dates back to the last off-season. Cleveland was often cited as being in the running for Clowney in 2020, but was ultimately unable to reach a deal with the free agent’s defensive end, who eventually signed with the Titans. The 2020 campaign in Tennessee turned out to be a lost campaign for Clowney, re-entering the market at a significantly lower value in 2021. After weeks of messing around with the Browns and Clowney, the two finally came to an agreement on Wednesday.

“It meant a lot, man,” Clowney said of Cleveland’s chase on Wednesday. ‘It means that someone is looking for you. You can see that [if] Someone really wants you, they will use you the right way, so that was another big part of my decision. They wanted me and if someone wanted you, you can’t just dismiss it as a relationship. “

When the Browns reached the offseason after a heartbreaking Division Round loss to Kansas City, the first goal was clear: Cleveland needed a better defense in 2021. The addition of Clowney is the latest in a series of moves by General Manager Andrew Berry to make a To achieve such a goal, they joined people like security John Johnson, cornerback Troy Hill, linebacker Anthony Walker, defensive tackle Malik Jackson and defensive end Takkarist McKinley as new additions.

Clowney will pair up with fellow former No. 1 overall pick Myles Garrett as tandem edge rushers in Cleveland’s 4-3 schedule, giving the Browns the scenario they imagined when they last chased Clowney off-season. It should also give Cleveland a defensive boost it seriously missed in 2020, a season where the Browns finished 21st in points allowed per game, yet finished an 11-5 and the franchise’s first playoff win since the season 1994 booked.

“Those guys, they are hungry, I can tell you, they are very hungry and they also feel like they are on a winning team. So that’s why I jumped on board and tried to get into that winning team.” Clowney said of his new team. “I don’t think Cleveland is what people think they used to be, so I’m looking forward to this season and playing with a great bunch of guys and going after guys.”

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