Interview with Babar Azam: a Pakistani star on the rise in Test Cricket, his big brother Imad Wasim and the T20 World Cup
The Pakistans star drummer Babar Azam does not seem to be wrong. In the past 12 months, Azam has scored 1,801 points in 29 international games with an average of 66.7, which is the second highest total among those who have played at least 20 games. And that after his test average dropped below 25 in 2017-18 due to successive failures.
But as we say: the form is temporary, the class is permanent. Renewed interest in red ball cricket, graduation from Pakistan T20 captain and the steady brilliance of white ball cricket made the 25-year-old the best young drummer in the game and worthy to be placed in the hands of Steve Smith, Virat. Kohli, Kane Williamson and Joe Root.
This has been a remarkable climb for Azam since its debut in 2015, with the future looking even brighter as it approaches by becoming just the second drummer after Kohli to average more than 50 in the three formats.
As with any player, it was his performance in Test Cricket that made the cricket world recognize his talent. He increased his game on the test tour to South Africa in early 2019, scoring two fifties and chasing a big record as Dale Steyn Azam scored 92 points with just 79 balls with 21 limits.
But it was during the Test series against Australia in November-December that he really made a name for himself, marking a century and a 97 in four innings. He then made a ton of home games against Sri Lanka and Bangladesh, hitting three figures in four games.
For Azam, it's the tour of South Africa where he raised his game.
For me, my cricket test improved after the tour of South Africa. There I learned how to score runs in Test cricket, how to survive each session. Little by little, as you score points, play longer rounds, talk to senior players, you get an idea of how to play the cricket test, Azam said. The National.
The tour in Australia was very good. The last time I went there, I struggled in the test matches. This time, I improved a lot. It was exceptional.
It was only a matter of time before the captaincy came into play. Azam was appointed captain of the Pakistans T20 after the board of directors sacked Sarfaraz Ahmed in October. And with leadership came responsibility.
The harbor master's office has given me a lot of responsibility. Previously, you would think of those who hit, but now you have to think of the whole team and take all the players, he said.
My cricket test improved after the tour in South Africa
Babar Azam
It is quite difficult. I have been a captain at U19 level, but there is a big difference between that and international cricket. I have just started and I hope it will work well.
What didn't help matters, however, is the rumor of a breakup with Karachi Kings captain Imad Wasim in the Pakistan Super League. The T20 tournament is currently taking place in Pakistan the first time the league has been played entirely in the country – and stories have emerged from the differences between the franchise and the national captains.
And just like Wasim had done earlier, Azam called the rumors fake news.
These rumors were also present last year. There is no truth in it. I think that is false news, says the drummer on the right, laughing.
He's like my big brother. I am captain of international cricket and here he is my captain. I am a professional cricketer. I don't think about why I'm not a captain, why the franchise didn't make me a captain. This is not my field.
They (Karachi) loved him and made him the captain because he was also the leader last year. I really respect him because he is like my big brother. Whenever I am downstairs, he is one of the first to lift me up and encourage me.
Which is commendable because Azam will need all hands on deck at the T20 World Cup later in the year in Australia. Pakistan is still the No1 T20 team in the world, despite a horrific streak of six straight defeats. While Azam is busy guiding the Karachi Kings campaign with the PSL bat, he keeps an eye on tournament players who can deliver Down Under.
PSL and World Cup are two different things. I'm focusing on PSL, but it's not that I don't think about the World Cup, he said.
I watch PSL and keep an eye on those who do well, bowling. I'm looking to find out who can be on the World Cup team and which players will suit Australian conditions.
Updated: March 6, 2020 10:33
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