10 Auburn veterans with the most to prove during spring football practice
![Quarterback Auburn Bo Nix during spring testing on March 18, 2019.](
Quarterback Auburn Bo Nix during spring testing on March 18, 2019. (Photo: Butch Dill, AP)
AUBURN – One question overshadowed everything else at the same time last year: who starts in the quarterback?
There were of course others – who replaces Dontavius Russell with a defensive tackle? What position will Nick Coe play? How do linebackers fare without three deceased elders? – but these were all minor compared to that concerning the most important position on the ground.
This will not be the case this time. Sophomore Bo Nix is anchored there. The most important issues are found in other positions.
Who is stepping backwards now that JaTarvious Whitlow is now longer? Who fills the four starting places open on the offensive line? Who replaces Derrick Brown and Marlon Davidson on the defensive line? What will a high school student who lost four of the five starters look like? Who punishes?
MORE: 12 first-year students at Auburn to watch during spring football training
Auburn recruited 26 talented newcomers in 2020, a recruiting class that ranks seventh nationally, but answers to some or even most of these questions may have already been on the list last season.
Here are 10 veteran players who have the most to prove during spring training, which begins on March 16:
![Auburn running back D.J. Williams (3) Samford linebacker Jaleel Laguins (48) on Saturday November 23, 2019, in Auburn, Alberta.](
Auburn running back D.J. Williams (3) Samford linebacker Jaleel Laguins (48) on Saturday November 23, 2019, in Auburn, Alberta. (Photo: Butch Dill, AP)
D.J. Williams – RB
It seems strange to think of Williams as a "veteran", given that he is a real sophomore who didn't even appear in every Auburn game last season, but the handover Kam Martin's diplomas and Whitlow's departure makes him the most experienced lead in the room. Malik Miller and Shaun Shivers are older, but they are both role players – Williams was the guy of choice while Whitlow was sidelined due to an injury and finished second in the team rushing with 400 yards on 84 races in 2019.
But he wasn't as efficient as his average of 4.8 yards per run would indicate, because if you take his 41 and 70 yard consecutive runs at LSU, the rest of his 82 runs only on average only 3.5 yards. Nor was it very important after Whitlow's return, carrying eight times for 26 yards against Georgia, eight times for 16 yards against Alabama and five times for 13 yards against Minnesota. Williams will likely start spring at the top or near the top of the depth chart due to his leadership experience compared to everyone else, but he will have to perform well to keep the much-vaunted freshman Tank Bigsby and Mark-Antony Richards.
Zach Farrar, Matthew Hill and Shedrick Jackson – WR
The feeling is that Auburn could throw the ball a lot more now that head coach Gus Malzahn has assigned play duties to first-year offensive coordinator Chad Morris. Seth Williams is locked in as the team's receiver of choice after his second exhibition season, but with Sal Cannella, Will Hastings, Jay Jay Wilson and Marquis McClain gone, and Anthony Schwartz focused on the right track this spring, there will be room for others. intensify. These are three of the names to watch out for before the 2020 signers, Elijah Canion, Ze’Vian Capers and J.J. Evans arrive over the summer.
Farrar only caught three passes for 41 yards in his first season after his transfer from Youngstown State, but two of them attempted touchdowns in the penultimate game of the season regular against Samford. It has the ideal size (6 feet 4 inches) with a speed to burn. Hill did not register a catch between September 14 and November 2 of last season, but he played in special teams and finished with eight receptions for 46 yards. He was a higher ranked rookie than Williams and Schwartz in the 2018 promotion. Most of Jackson's contributions have so far come as a blocker, but the Tigers love him in this role. He was able to take the place of Cannella, who was not a high-volume target (10 caught for 188 yards and two touchdowns last season) but was almost always on the field.
![Auburn wide receiver Matthew Hill (19) catches a pass during warm-ups before the Outback Bowl at Raymond James Stadium in Tampa, Florida, Wednesday January 1, 2020.](
Auburn wide receiver Matthew Hill (19) catches a pass during warm-ups before the Outback Bowl at Raymond James Stadium in Tampa, Florida, Wednesday January 1, 2020. (Photo: Jake Crandall / Announcer)
John Samuel Shenker – TE
A few years ago, Shenker was the only real close end on the list. Now the junior is one of five who will compete for targets in an offense that is should highlight the tight end more with Morris calling the shots he has in the past. Shenker will compete with 2019 three-star signers Luke Deal and Tyler Fromm (both of whom have been out of injury-fighting years) in the spring, and this group will be joined by long-awaited four-star signers JJ Pegues and Brandon Frazier on L & # 39; summer. The native of Albany, Georgia is also playing baseball this season and plans to participate in both sports in the spring, so it will be a great month for him.
Austin Troxell – OL
You can easily list all of the offensive linemen who aren't named Nick Brahms here, but Troxell stands out. There is a world in which we speak of him as a sure bet to win one of these starting jobs. Troxell was a four-star rookie ranked as tackle 18 in the Madison Academy class in 2017. He played 12 games as a reserve in 2018, so he has experience. It is also 6 feet 6 inches tall and 310 pounds. The only thing that held him back was his health – Troxell tore his ACL twice in high school and then again during spring practice last year. So he lost the entire 2019 season. Malzahn said Troxell has made good progress in his rehab and should be "ready to go" in the spring. If so, he could be one of the favorites to win a tackle job. He just needs to stay healthy.
![Defensive lineman Auburn TD Moultry (55) celebrates after sacking Florida quarterback Kyle Trask (11) at Ben Hill Griffin stadium in Gainesville, Florida on Saturday October 5, 2019. Florida defeated Auburn 24 -13.](
Defensive lineman Auburn TD Moultry (55) celebrates after sacking Florida quarterback Kyle Trask (11) at Ben Hill Griffin stadium in Gainesville, Florida on Saturday October 5, 2019. Florida defeated Auburn 24 -13. (Photo: Jake Crandall)
T.D.Moultry – BUCK
Moultry was a popular escape candidate since the No. 3 four-star rookie inside the country moved to the defensive line because of his strength, athleticism and rushing ability, but she didn’t ; has not yet clicked. He made this move before his first year season in 2017. Since then, he has totaled only 28 tackles, five tackles for loss and four sacks, mainly as a reserve male. With Big Kat Bryant on the verge of becoming the team's best pass defender, Derick Hall after a solid first-year season and players like Colby Wooden, Zykeivous Walker and Romello Height are expected to join the mix and buck and end, Moultry might need to earn his spot in the rotation.
Coynis Miller Jr. & Daquan Newkirk – DT
Auburn returns Tyrone Truesdell, the 10-game starter, but must replace a unanimous All-American at Brown at the other defensive tackle spot. These two will probably have the first hit. Miller is a former four-star rookie who improved his game in the second season. Defensive line coach Rodney Garner said Newkirk "checks every square" – he is 6 feet 3 inches, 306 pounds and is athletic enough to play both tackle and tackle – and he should finally be healthy enough to pass the spring testing after missing each of the last two due to Achilles injuries. They will face many competitions – Jaren Handy will also be in the mix this spring, and four-star additions Jay Hardy and JUCO Dre Butler and Marquis Burks are expected to arrive this summer – but Miller and Newkirk seem to have the capacity to do the same starter reserve jump that Truesdell did last year.
Jordyn Peters – DB
No Javaris Davis, Jeremiah Dinson, Noah Igbinoghene and Daniel Thomas means the Tigers need four new high school starters, but that doesn't necessarily mean that all of these new starters will be young. Peters had a quiet junior year (only 11 tackles) after missing most of the offseason due to a foot injury, but was a second-year playmaker with 24 tackles, 3 ½ tackles for loss, a bag and three punts blocked. A strong spring could put it in position to be a key element of safe rotation or nickel as a senior.
Josh Vitale is the Auburn beat writer for Montgomery Advertiser. You can follow him on Twitter at @JoshVitale. To reach him by email, click here.
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