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Fantastic Hockey – Ultimate End-of-Season Goalie Guide



We are at a pivotal point in the season where having the right figure in the net can make or break a manager's fantasy campaign, regardless of what has happened in the months leading up to it. With that in mind, here is a view of several currently outperformed – and widely available – assets that could help your list now, other more popular goalkeepers who may not be up to snuff, and a handful of potentially valuable novelty / streaming products.

Worth a look?


Martin Jones, San Jose Sharks (55.2%): What can I say? One of the most volatile guarding assets in the league has been a fantastic dream for three weeks now. Since taking over the reins of Aaron Dell, Jones has a 4-2-0 record, including two shutouts, while enjoying an SV of .947. Out of the playoff hunt (so no pressure!), The Sharks have 16 games to play, including a pair of consecutive sets. Jones could play a lot. Managers who have a need in mind could tie their fancy cart to this often capricious guy, who seems confident and determined to finish 2019-2020 in style.


Jacob Markstrom, Vancouver Canucks (35.6%): Thatcher Demko was not bad at all on Wednesday and his club always fell against the Coyotes, marking the club's fourth defeat in as many games. On the upside, Vancouver remains in the playoff mix – crouching in a Wild Card spot by a hair – while Markstrom is expected to be reevaluated within a week after undergoing minor (lower body) procedure in late February. Head-to-head leaders with suspicious guards might choose to look to the future in this regard. When ready to go, Canucks number 1 will play many. Perhaps as much as 10/11 of the final of team 16. Returning to his dominant personality in the few games before falling injured, the recovery of Markstrom deserves to be monitored at a minimum.


Ranking of prospects
Mock Draft 1.0 by Chris Peters
In the race for # 1


Igor Shesterkin, New York Rangers (25.5%): Expected to return sooner than expected after suffering a rib fracture in a vehicle collision, the rookie goalkeeper could possibly resume activities next week. At what stage he will push to challenge Alexandar Georgiev – who will face the Capitals on Thursday – for the starts while a relegated Henrik Lundqvist watches. The Rangers are only four points behind a playoff spot, they are not throwing in the towel yet. And Shesterkin was absolutely superb, snowballing a record of 9-1-0 and 0.940 SV% before the accident. If you're interested, don't hesitate to grab the (maybe) future dynamo of New York for a long time.


Corey Crawford, Chicago Blackhawks (23.1%): Anyone do not applauding Crawford's current success could be seen as a monster given the health problems suffered by the 35-year-old goalkeeper. But no matter who these sourpusses, the current No. 1 Blackhawks – undisputed after Robin Lehner's departure for Vegas – takes an impressive step with a single dud to show for seven recent starts. Otherwise it was excellent. Meanwhile, Chicago has one of the most favorable schedules to exit the regular season, facing more non-qualifying teams than otherwise and hosting 10 of their last 16 home games. A new Malcom Subban backup will play it; Crawford will play more.

See also: Alex Stalock, Minnesota Wild

Is it worth it?


Ben Bishop, Dallas Stars (98.4%): First, he is injured – listed daily with a lower body injury. Then there is the interim coach Rick Bowness who talks about Anton Khudobin deserving more action in light of the replacement's strong recent game. Add two sparse departures in three weeks – two losses, one incomplete and ugly – and Bishop's managers have reason to be concerned. Handcuffing Khudobin is a tactic that deserves to be explored, especially since the Stars currently linked to the playoffs will want to keep their number 1 cool, even once recovered (rumored to start on Thursday against Predators). At best, an even-stevens distributes the stretch felt in the cards.


Pekka Rinne, Nashville Predators (83.4%): Juuse Saros was the busiest and the better of the two Nashville goalies in the recent game. The Predators are fighting for a playoff spot – they will start the one that gives them the best chance of winning that day. Right now it's Saros (aligned in 24.7% of leagues).


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David Rittich, Calgary Flames (63.7%): Likewise, Cam Talbot was the best of the Calgary duo recently, following Sunday's shutout in Florida with an impressive performance – settling in comfort after allowing two totals in the first period – in Wednesday's OT victory over the visiting Blue Jackets. Rittich, meanwhile, has just suffered consecutive road losses, dropping four goals each. Climbing to third place in the Pacific, the Flames have only 14 games left, including just one consecutive set. If the club's number 2 continues to outperform its starter, Rittich may see limited action before the end of the regular season. The 27-year-old has already broken his own NHL game record with 47 games. Talbot remains available in more than 91% of leagues.


Joonas Korpisalo, Blue Jackets Columbus (35.8%): Only because Elvis Merzlikins (concussion) is vaguely expected this weekend and he was dominant before the whole team slipped in early February. If coach John Tortorella succeeds, Korpisalo and Merzlikins will push each other to spread the load in effective tandem on the road to and during the playoffs. Not the ideal scenario for many fantasy managers. Regarding, in tandem, see also: Darcy Kuemper and Antti Raanta of the Arizona Coyotes.

See also: Thomas Greiss, New York Islanders; Tristan Jarry, Pittsburgh Penguins

DFS Darlings


Robin Lehner, Vegas Golden Knights (43.5%): If Lehner does not want to play the second violin with Marc-André Fleury in his new excavations, he does not give up in a negative direction. After allowing two goals in a convincing win over the Sabers, the former Chicago goalkeeper closed the door in Tuesday's shutout win over the Devils. Just more awesome stuff from the guy who used to impress us for almost two full seasons now. And if a physical problem should arise Fleury before now and early April, scramble to add Lehner as soon as possible. In all the fantastic leagues.

2 Related


Jonathan Quick, Los Angeles Kings (11.9%): Former Conn Smythe trophy winner has won three of his last four games and seemed to be doing well. Of the remaining 16, the Kings are hosting 11 home games – where the second-worst NHL team has a winning record. If Quick is too conventional for your own DFS taste, consider giving Cal Petersen a whirlwind. When the match makes sense, of course. The AHL regular has allowed only one goal in each of his last two starts, both wins.


Jack Campbell, Toronto Maple Leafs (8.2%): Assuming a good deal (too much) of the blame for Tuesday's loss to the Sharks, Campbell kept his underperforming team well in third position. Overall, the former king – who seems genuinely thrilled to be a member of the Leafs – has been a huge relief for Frederik Andersen since his arrival in Toronto a month ago. Friday, he will get another shot on a "W" in Anaheim. I like its chances.

See also: MacKenzie Blackwood and Cory Schneider, New Jersey Devils

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