Joakim Noah to sign 10-day contract with Clippers and join team next week | Laundress Report

Brandon Dill / Associated Press
Los Angeles free agent center Clippersand Joakim Noah accepted a contract on Friday, and he would join the team next week.
ESPN Adrian Wojnarowskireported the news, and Shams Charania from Athletic and Stadium has noted that it will start as a 10-day contract.
Noah, 35, spent last season with the Memphis Grizzlies. He averaged 7.1 points, 5.7 rebounds and 2.1 assists while appearing in 42 games, becoming a solid contributor to the bench after an ugly two-year stint with the New York Knicks.
"I lost confidence," said Noah Sam Smithfrom in February 2019. "Now I'm starting to put my swagger back on the field. Memphis gave me an opportunity; it was the only team that called. I'm starting to feel better better every time I step on the court because I play regularly and I am in good health for the first time in a long time, I drink wood. "
Noah has been absent from the NBA this season in part due to an injury in Achilles' off-season. He posted a video in January showing his training in hopes of making a return to the NBA.
"The grinding can't stop. That's all I know," Noah wrote. Instagram. "(Four) months of post-Achilles surgery and I'm back on track. My goal is to come back and compete."
Noah will be part of the big backup rotation behind Ivica Zubac.The Clippers who sign Noah may be an indication that they are not entirely satisfied with a small ball lineup with Montrezl Harrell playing the center.
Although his best basketball is clearly behind him due to a combination of injuries and age, Noah has shown that he can still be effective in a few minutes last season. He helped develop Jaren Jackson Jr. and worked alongside Jonas Valanciunas as a mentor.
The Clippers have higher aspirations than last season's Grizzlies, so there will be more expectations on Noah this season. Rather than being a happy accident, it is expected to behave like a big above average, offering a solid defense and avoiding the high post.
If it's as solid as it was last season, the Clippers have probably found an end-of-season flight. But at 35 and after a few lost years, it's hard to be fully confident that he will repeat his Memphis race.
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