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Tie game for cricket: Billie Jean



In cricket, men and women are together, said King. It is fabulous. Watch what they do: men and women support each other. Why not? What is the big problem? I think cricket sends a great message.

King and his longtime partner Ilana Kloss are co-owners of the Los Angeles Dodgers baseball team, so cricket doesn't mystify it like many Americans do. These are the rules that are tough, she says. But I am starting to improve.

She said she was on the edge of her seat as Australia fought South Africa and the elements in the semifinals in Sydney on Thursday. Life has taught him that you have to win to be heard.

King is a contemporary of Court – they faced off in five major finals – but scathed two years ago when Court condemned homosexuality as the work of the devil and then doubled his position. Along with others, King requested that the names of the courts be removed from an arena in Melbourne Park.

Now King wants to continue. She is entitled to her opinion, she said. We have to give up this naming thing. Let it go. It doesn’t matter.

I would like to see something special for Evonne. She's a great ambassador. People love Evonne around the world. She is so happy, so inclusive, with open arms. It was exceptional. King, who beat Goolagong in four major finals, said she had argued her case at the Australian Open.

King, 76, spent his entire life leading the way. As a child, she excelled in softball and American football until her mother ordered her to take something more feminine. It was tennis. As a young woman in 1969, she was engrossed in the adoption of Title IX to end gender discrimination in education.

The following year, she was one of the nine founders of the WTA. Dalton and Melville were the only non-Americans. Their founding principles were that every girl in the world should have a chance to play, be appreciated for her achievements, not just for her appearance, and should be able to make a living.

In 1973, there was a turning point. Former Wimbledon champion Bobby Riggs, a King hero, played Court to prove a point. You have to win, King said in court. It is not just a tennis match, it is a matter of society, culture, change of mind.

But Riggs, 55, won. King knew then that against her best instincts, she should play Riggs. The match drew 30,000 spectators, 90 million viewers and an astonishing $ 100,000 bag. I knew it was really important to win, said King. There was a lot of pressure. Everyone I have spoken to in sport says they cannot imagine this pressure.

King won, forever changing the agenda. She said she was inspired by Title IX. I was trying to get people to respect people more and to respect themselves, she said. Men, women, now all genders. I just want people to help each other to make the world a better place.

If we continue to strive for it, we will improve the world. Well, never reach the end, but it doesn’t matter.

King v Riggs was almost 50 years ago. Is the future of women's sport up to what the king wanted then? I always hope for more, because I'm a perfectionist, she says. I certainly want more than what we have. But then, there has been a real surge in the past two years.

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