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Warren De La Salle High School Puts President On Football Soccer Hazing Case



WARREN, Mich. De La Salle High School Board of Directors has placed school president John M. Knight on paid administrative leave while football hazing case is before the courts .

Over the past few weeks, the board has been engaged in discussions on the future of De La Salle Collegiate. As a result of these meetings, the decision was made to place President John M. Knight on paid administrative leave while council continues to discuss and make decisions in the future, reads a statement by the minister. school.

UPDATE: Warren De La Salle High School Fires School President Amid Hazing Investigation

In a statement following the announcement Thursday morning, the Knights' lawyer said the leave was undefined.

John Knight was placed on indefinite leave yesterday afternoon, read the statement by his lawyer, Sarah Prescott. He reported to the authorities cases of sexual abuse of adolescents and, most recently, several of them have been prosecuted in the criminal justice system. Mr. Knights' personal file was perfectly clean before doing so – so I asked the school attorneys for explanations other than obvious, that this is retaliation for his denunciation. I have not received any explanation. Since reporting the hazing in a program involving a popular trainer, Mr. Knight has been subjected to outrageous personal abuse, including threats to himself and his family. This community must be wondering what it represents, because this man did the right thing and now he has been attacked and sacked.

Meanwhile, seven students who were part of the De La Salle football team are facing charges related to an alleged broom hazing ritual that took place last fall. The hazing incident in question occurred on October 19 and included students forcibly retained and pushed with a broom while their clothes were in place, authorities said.

Warren Police Investigate De La Salle Football Program After Team lost his playoff in Michigan because of the hazing allegations. Prosecutors revealed on January 28 that they did not have enough evidence to take the case to court, suggesting that school officials had withheld important documents and said that evidence important had been destroyed before receiving the case.

The next day, a new victim appeared. The family of a football player who said he was the victim of the alleged hazing was not satisfied with the prosecutors' decision. They said they were ready to speak to the police.

A second accuser appeared the next day – less than 48 hours after the prosecutor's decision not to press charges.

Now, Cleveland Harville III, Galiko Lovelace, Michael Young, Sean Bonery and Ricky Pearson are all facing charges as adults. Two other players are accused of minors.

On February 13, more than 100 De La Salle parents came together to share their disgust at how the school handled the allegations.

Here is the school's full statement on the placement of Knights on leave:

"We wanted to provide you with an update on a recent action of the board of directors approved by the Brothers of the Christian schools. Over the past few weeks, the board has been engaged in discussions on the future of De La Salle Collegiate. At the end of these meetings, it was decided to put President John M. Knight on paid administrative leave while the Board of Directors continues its discussions and takes decisions. The Brothers of the Christian Schools and the Board of Directors remain committed to following best practices and providing an education of excellence to all students of De La Salle. As we envision a transition to leadership, we will work with a national research firm to find a permanent replacement by August 3.

We expect the transition process to be fairly transparent. If you have any concerns regarding academic or extracurricular matters, please continue to contact our administration team: Principal Nathan Maus and Assistant Directors Christopher Dean and Brent Widdows. This team will continue to work with our strong faculty and staff to maintain our culture of excellence. As always, they will be happy to assist you with any questions or concerns.

The Major Donation Officer, Greg Esler, will continue to lead the advancement team. In addition, he will oversee our admissions team. It is a time when recruitment is in high gear and we are actively visiting interested students and families. We always welcome your recommendations for potential students and your support as we hire new families and build new relationships.

While transitions are difficult, they also allow organizational boards to consider a new direction and a range of strategic options. During this transition, the Council will continue to engage with our teachers and staff, parents, donors and alumni as we lay the groundwork for our next strategic planning process. We continue to welcome your thoughts, affirmations and suggestions.

Thank you again for trusting us with your sons. We appreciate your partnership in the educational process. At the heart of our efforts is the academic and spiritual vision of Saint Jean-Baptiste de La Salle. As we seek to live the values ​​and mission of De La Salle, we look forward to your support and your prayers. Again, do not hesitate to contact us with any questions or concerns you may have.

Live Jesus in our hearts, forever! "

Cover timeline

  • October 31, 2019: Warren De La Salle's soccer team loses the playoff game amid allegations of hazing in the team's locker room
  • November 1, 2019: Warren's police begin to investigate hazing allegations
  • November 5, 2019: Investigation into the hazing incident intensifies
  • November 7, 2019: Warren's police complete their investigation and prepare to recommend charges against 3 students
  • November 8, 2019: Officials Announce 3 Teens Could Face Charges
  • November 8, 2019: victim of harassment refuses to be questioned
  • November 20, 2019: St. Clair County prosecutor appointed to the case
  • December 16, 2019: Students suspended as part of investigation file lawsuit against school
  • December 16, 2019: De La Salle football coach Mike Giannone is no longer at school
  • December 16, 2019: De La Salle publishes detailed schedule of alleged incident, investigation
  • December 17, 2019: Prosecutor asks Warren police to interview more people for investigation
  • December 17, 2019: parents protest dismissal of school president
  • January 10, 2020: Students Return To Class After Hazing Charges
  • January 28, 2020: Prosecutors say there is not enough evidence to take the case to court
  • January 28, 2020: Prosecutors detonate De La Salle for investigating
  • January 29, 2020: a new victim arrives
  • January 29, 2020: Victim agrees to speak to the police
  • January 30, 2020: a second accuser appears
  • February 13, 2020: Over 100 De La Salle parents share disgust at how school handled allegations
  • February 20, 2020: 7 people expected to face charges, Warren police say
  • February 21, 2020: an internal report details an alleged hazing ritual
  • February 24, 2020: four players indicted
  • February 25, 2020: the fifth player arrested
  • February 28, 2020: parents of 3 players charged in case they speak to Local 4
  • March 2, 2020: Dan Rohn hired as new football head coach
  • March 5, 2020: De La Salle high school puts the president on leave in a football hazing case

Copyright 2020 by WDIV ClickOnDetroit – All rights reserved.

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