Tavares sees resurgence in boys and girls – Sports – Daily Commercial
The boys and girls tennis teams of the Tavares high school are on a roll. The Bulldogs' women's team improved to 8-0 after a 7-0 victory in Thursday's game against Mount Dora and the boys went 5-1 with a 5-2 victory.
MOUNT DORA – The boys and girls tennis teams at the Tavares high school are on a roll.
The Bulldogs totaled 7-0 in Thursday's women's game against Mount Dora and the boys scored 4-1 on the courts of Lincoln Avenue against the Hurricanes.
And the two teams came out and proved that neither was a fluke.
The women's team shutout Mount Dora 7-0, while the boys survived the Hurricanes 5-2.
"We are having a great time this year," said Tavares coach Jordan Talmadge. "We have decent talent and depth – my four best players have been with me for four years now – and we play with more confidence in every game we win. They start playing against a pretty good competition because every team in Lake County seems to have decent players, especially at the top.
"Right now, we're working to prepare for the district tournament."
The Bulldogs compete in class 2A-District 7, as do their rivals in the Golden Triangle – Eustis, Mount Dora and Umatilla – as well as Leesburg and The Villages. In addition, Tavares must also compete with the powers of the private schools of Orange County, Orlando Bishop Moore and Orlando Lake Highland Prep.
Talmadge said local schools often have a hard time performing during the playoffs, especially in the past decade, because it's harder to compete with their Orlando counterparts, in part because the two schools have a much larger footprint from where they attract students. Not only that, but the number of tennis courts in Orlando and Orange County offers more opportunities for competition.
Simply put, Talmadge thinks that Orange County student-athletes have more opportunities to develop their mastery of the game.
"It is difficult to compete with them," said Talmadge. “But our children will not back down. They give their best shot. They work hard in training and play hard during games. "
High school tennis is played on the same size court as the US Open and Wimbledon, and the equipment is similar to that used by their professional counterparts. Aside from that, however, it is a very different game from tournament tennis.
To begin with, only one set is played, the winner being the first to win eight games. There are five singles and two doubles matches in a competition, and players are often matched by their different skill levels.
The best players on each team are ranked # 1 and the top two players are often paired in the # 1 doubles. To achieve an overall victory, a team must win four of the seven games.
No referee is assigned to the matches; players should make online calls and keep track of the score.
"It teaches our children lessons that they can use in adulthood," said Talmadge. “They learn to communicate better and to be honest and responsible. It’s also an activity they can play all their life.
"I played basketball and football when I was a student at Tavares, but I can't practice either sport like I did before. Now I play tennis. As I get older, I could switch to pickle ball, but I will probably still play some form of tennis. "
Talmadge said he hopes to see his girls and boys teams perform well and be successful in the districts later in the year. But if they don't, he'll still be available in the districts, cheering on any team in northern Lake County who might run a deeper run than his teams.
"I really want to see a Lake County team perform well in the districts," said Talmadge. "It will be difficult, but anything can happen when these children go out and start competing. It's been a long time since a team or player here hasn't done this really well, so I really want to see someone representing the region.
"It would make an already enjoyable year even better."
The singles winners of the Tavares women's team against Mount Dora were Hannah Pait, Karley Paulling, Noelia Rodriguez and Tita Medina. The Bulldogs also won a game in a draw.
The doubles winners for the girls were: Pait and Lina Filkin at No. 1 in doubles, and Paulling and Rocio Mancilla at No. 2.
For the boys, Tavares won singles victories against Cole Singer, Michael Imbrenda and Kannon Paulling. Logan Cerney and Singer teamed up to win the No. 1 double for the Bulldogs, and Imbrenda and Paulling won a No. 2 double victory.
Mount Dora won singles victories against Pierce Hogue and Cole Climo.
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