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Men's hockey: UMaine shut out Providence and wins home ice in the playoffs


ORONO For the first time in nine years, there will be a Hockey East quarterfinal series at Alfond Arena.

Friday night, Mitchell Fossier scored the only goal of the game halfway through the third period and Jeremy Swayman made 48 saves as the University of Maine men's hockey team ranked 15th , shutout Providence No. 18, 1-0, in the regular season final for both teams.

The Black Bears 'victory, coupled with the Connecticuts' defeat against UMass Lowell, ensured that Maine will finish fourth at Hockey East and host a best-of-three quarter-final series next weekend.

It will be the first time that Maine (18-11-5, 12-9-3 Hockey East) has hosted a quarter-final series since 2011. The Black Bears will play either at Boston University or Connecticut, pending the outcome of the BU-Northeastern Saturday. .

We didn't play particularly well, but we stayed there, said Maine coach Red Gendron. It is the hallmark of this team.

Providence (16-12-6, 10-11-3) will finish seventh or eighth and head to Boston College or UMass next weekend.

Swayman, a Boston Bruins draft pick in 2017, has posted his third shutout of the season, all in the last five games. It was his fourth game with at least 40 saves this season, and his greatest number of saves since making 52 in an opening loss to Providence on October 5.

Swaymans, the best NCAA hockey goalkeeper, said Maine defender J.D. Greenway. I have not, in my career, seen a better goalkeeper in college hockey. These children have a bright future ahead of him.

Greenway contributed to Maine's goal.

While the teams skated four sideways halfway through the third period, Greenway led the net on Tim Dohertys' luck from the high slot. When goalkeeper Michael Lackey (23 saves) postponed this auction, Greenway followed the game in the left corner, separated a Providence defender from the puck and left it for Doherty, who sent a pass to Fossier in the upper slot.

Fossier's shot through a screen defeated Lackey at 9:21 for his 10th goal of the season.

In 4v4 hockey, things can get a lot more open, said Fossier. If you focus on the 4 on 4 puck, there are bound to be people open. I think they got lost for a second, so I found a second to free myself and Tim found me with it.

Swayman then got to work making sure that the lead was maintained, perhaps making his biggest stop just 40 seconds after Maine took the lead following the & rsquo; Greg Printzs' breakaway.

The stop came after Swayman made 10 saves in the first 2:24 of the last period, and after he made two saves on a 2-0 draw with less than six seconds left in the second period .

It will be a memory that I will remember for a long time, said Swayman. It feels good to end (the second) period on a high note like that. I think it was important to us, as far as momentum for the third period was concerned.

He was amazing, said Gendron. He plays the best hockey of his career when it matters most.

Maine has sometimes been dominated because its attackers have struggled to establish forward control for long stretches. Defensively, the Black Bears have conceded far too many quality opportunities.

All that aside, Fossier and Doherty hung on for the winning goal and Swayman was pretty much like the NHL rookie he is. He added to a better of the three series next weekend at Alfond.

Good teams find a way to win games, said Fossier. With Swayman, were ready to go. He’s the best college hockey player, that’s my opinion.

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