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Freshman BYU Tight End Redshirt Stands Out During First Week of Spring Soccer


PROVO, UtahThe BYU Cougars soccer team has completed the first week of spring soccer practice and one player who stands out through four practices is the end of freshman Isaac Rex.

Isaac Rex likely had 10 catches today, said BYU close team coach Steve Clark. He played very well today. Big guy, big target.

Only one tight end had double-digit receptions last season. Of course, it was Matt Bushman. It would be a huge blessing for the offense to see someone like Rex step into a bigger role. Someone like Rex could exempt Matt Bushman from hosting double teams week after week.

He's a great body guy. Hell can make a lot of games for us, said BYU head coach Kalani Sitake. Such a fat guy who can run and block, who has great ball skills, he has a great future.

Coach Clark is very high on the talent of his tight group, but they are young. Learning the game book will be their priority throughout the Spring Prom.

I want to see them compete and understand the offense, said Clark. I cannot overstate this, it is a fairly complex offense. They got to know the offensive line, the tight end, the full back, the wide receiver, there is a lot to know for them. If they can control what we put on, we will be ready to go in the fall.

BYU Football Tight Ends

The group includes:

  • Matt bushman
  • Isaac Rex
  • Carter Wheat
  • Kyle Griffitts
  • Bentley Hanshaw
  • Nate Heaps
  • Lane lunt
  • Alema Pilimai
  • Masen wake
  • Hank Tuipulotu

The tight ends and the rear sides are included in the same staff group.

Tuipulotu will not participate in spring football as he is still recovering from his second ACL surgery.

Coach Clark mentioned that the team was very careful with him while he recovered. It will be interesting to see how he fits into the group's fall camp, as he was a remarkable player last fall before suffering the injury.

Matt bushman

What luxury it is for the BYU offense of having Matt Bushman back in the fold. It was not a certainty that he would return to Provo.

We've had a lot of conversations over the season about this (coming back to BYU), said Clark. I kind of knew where he was. I was not at all surprised, but I was obviously very happy when he decided to come back.

Whoever wins the quarterback position will hopefully target Matt Bushman more than ever this season. Currently, there is no final separation in the quarterfinal competition.

I think the competition is healthy, said Sitake. The guys are doing a great job.

There are still no announcements of changes to supervisory or support staff.

As soon as we understand these things, announce them well, said Sitake.

Dax Milne, Gunnar Romney and Isaac Rex made exceptional catches during the team period during which members of the media were allowed to observe.

Neil Pauu also made an excellent reception on an inclined ball. It was great to see him again in training after solving the insurance problem that had prevented him from training in the first spring ball.

Next week will be the first week in full pads.

There are no scrums planned, except for the spring game on March 28, 2020 at Lavell Edwards stadium.

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