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Captain of the women's tennis team – The Daily Utah Chronicle


University + of + Utah + Senior + Whitney + Hekking + serves + during + a + double + Pac-12 + Women% E2% 80% 99s + Tennis + meeting + vs + the + Denver + Pioneers +% 28University + of + Denver % 29 + at + George + S. + Eccles + Tennis + Center + at + Salt + Lake + City + on + February + 23% 2C + 2020 +% 28Photo + by + Abu + Asib +% 7C + The + Daily + Utah + Chronicle% 29

Abu Asib

Whitney Hekking, a senior from the University of Utah, serves in a double Pac-12 women's tennis competition against the Denver Pioneers (University of Denver) at the George S. Eccles Tennis Center in Salt Lake City February 23, 2020 (photo by Abu Asib | The Daily Utah Chronicle)

By Scott Stephens

On a list defined by his youth, captain Whitney Hekking, who has been instrumental in the growth of the young female tennis team at the University of Utah this season, is the only senior. His goal for the season is to lead the team to a solid finish so that they have positive energy for the future of the program.

Second University of Utah student Madison Tattini and senior Whitney Hekking celebrates after winning the doubles in a double Pac-12 women's tennis competition against the Denver Pioneers (University Denver) at the George S. Eccles Tennis Center in Salt Lake City on February 23, 2020 (Photo by Abu Asib | The Daily Utah Chronicle)

Hekking was born and raised here in Utah, graduating from Davis High School in December 2016 and then coming to the U to pursue his career in tennis. According to Utah Athletics, while in high school, Hekking won four individual state titles and helped his team win the state title of 2013. In the first three years here at in the uK, Hekking has won numerous awards for its stellar game, including twice the honors of the second Pac-12 All-Academic team and recognition from the ITA athlete.

Hekking thrives on the competition and opportunities that come with playing for a Division One university at the Pac-12 conference. This caliber was one of the reasons why she chose to come to the United States.

The U is a huge Pac-12 team, and there are many opportunities that come with a Pac-12 school. And since I was little, all I wanted was to participate, you know, in the best conference in the country, so it was an easy choice for me, said Hekking.

It's easy to see how the competition brings out the best in Hekking. However, she is most successful in the field in the double configuration with her partner Madison Tattini, a sophomore. Together, they are currently ranked # 16 in the nation and have developed a bond and chemistry that have contributed to their success.

Whitney Hekking, a senior from the University of Utah, hits the air after getting a point on the singles at a Pac-12 women's tennis match against the pioneers of Denver (University of Denver) at the George S. Eccles Tennis Center in Salt Lake City in February. 23, 2020 (Photo by Abu Asib | The Daily Utah Chronicle)

When asked what connection Hekking had with his partner Tattini, a smile immediately appeared on his face, which was a dead revelation of the closeness of the partnership.

Madi, she is darling, "she said. "I think we formed a very strong bond not only last year, but this year as well. I know she has my back and I have hers, and I think it helps when we were on the double court, because we know we would do anything for each other.

Head coach Ric Mortera also explained why he thinks the two are such a great couple. They had a great start to the season and a great fall as well, and all of these things put them in the position they are in right now, "he said. “These two guys got very well gelled and it was a lot of fun to see how they have evolved since the first couple training sessions we had in August and which have led to now.

"They really weren't afraid to go get it and play to win and really try to impose their playing styles and everything that we work on in practice, so I’m have been really impressed with them so far. "

One of the most obvious attributes of Hekking is his work ethic. Asked about her favorite time playing tennis so far for the U, she said, honestly, is training and in the weight room. I think the weight room is the place where I have the most fun, because it is as if we are suffering, but we are doing it together as a fraternity and I think it is Is really cool because we were there together.

Hekking is essential to team camaraderie and to ensuring that all young players have an example to follow and prepare for success further in their own careers. It is because of this leadership that Mortera and the rest of the coaching staff have appointed him team captain.

Whitney Hekking, a senior from the University of Utah, competes in a double Pac-12 women's tennis competition. (Photo by Abu Asib | The Daily Utah Chronicle)

It was a great honor for sure, because I respect Ric, and for him to trust me to lead this team and be captain meant a lot, "she said. "I think that, especially because everyone is so young, I have a more important role to play in leading the team to success and victories."

His biggest goal for the rest of the season had nothing to do with wins or losses, Hekking wanted to improve the program to the best of his ability before his own graduation. Being a senior with a young team and just being a leader for them with everything we do, as well as creating a path for my departure that the rest can assume and continue, said Hekking.

With this desire to lead and to give a positive example to her teammates, it seems natural that she chose to specialize in human development with an emphasis on early childhood. With this diploma, Hekking plans to continue to be a positive role model for children in the Salt Lake City area, to work for a preschool program and to prepare children from 0 to 3 years of age for their future education. .

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