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Mumbai paddlers Diya, Madhurika and Mudit draw attention to the annual congratulatory function of MSDTTA and MCDTTA


Diya made history last year when she won two gold medals in singles and junior at the national championships to become the first paddler from Maharashtra to achieve the feat. Madhurika was part of the Indian team which won a gold medal at the 2019 South Asian Games and the 2019 Commonwealth Championship while Mudit won the bronze medal in the men's doubles ; US Open 2019.

State champion single girls Anannya Basak, SGFI School Games Nationals U-14 single boys gold medalist Havish Asrani and state champion single boys Chinmaya Somaiya were also congratulated in recognition of their exceptional performances of the year in 2019. The players were congratulated by UTT President Vita Dani, former paddle star of India and director of UTT Kamlesh Mehtra, team coach national Arup Basak, president of MCDTTA and member of the board of directors of OGQ Sameer Kotecha and vice-president of JVPG Anil Mahesh.

Mrinalini Singh (younger girls) and Ananya Chande (sub-junior girls) received the VK Bhatia scholarship.

Besides the players, MSDTTA and MCDTTA also congratulated 27 city coaches, including national team coach Basak and six officials playing important roles in the progression of Mumbai paddlers. 15 clubs including UTT, CCI Club, JVPG and National Sports Club of India were also honored for their role in organizing tournaments and supporting sport in the city.

List of players, coaches and clubs honored during the function:

International players: Madhurika Patkar, Diya Chitale, Mudit Dani, Sanil Shetty, Ananya Chande, Arnav Karnavar, Mainak Nistala, Manushree Patil, Raegan Albuquerque and Yogesh Desai,

National level players: Aditi Sinha, Anannya Basak, Chinmaya Somaiya, Havish Asrani, Hrishikesh Malhotra, Jash Modi, Aadil Anand, Manasi Chiplunkar, Mandar Hardikar, Pearl Amalsadiwala, Rajveer Shah, Reeth Rishya, Sampada Bhiwandkar, Shrish Vidhi and Shubham Ambh.

State level actors: Akshat Jain, Ananya Rai, Arya Redkar, Ashwin Subramanian, Atharva Kurade, Anupriya Sharma, Bhavesh Apte, Dev Hingorany, Dhruv Jhaveri, Dhruv Shah, Hardee Patel, Jignesh Rahatwal, Krisha Agarwal, Mamata Prabhuar, Mandar Chipl, Manager , Parthav Kelkar, Ravindra Kotiyan, Risha Mirchandani, Ritwik Nagle, Saurabh Mohite, Senhora D & # 39; Souza, Shivam Das, Shweta Parte, Siya Hingorany, Swara Salgaonkar, Tanmay Rane, Vavanth Ner, and Yuvraj Yadav.

Coaches: Arup Basak, Ashish Kamble, Aman Balgu, Deepak Mani, Deepak Redkar, Eric Fernandes, Gandeep Bhiwandkar, Gaurav Parte, George Joseph, Gurcharan Singh Gill, Harsh Maniar, Kalpesh Loke, Mahendra Chiplunkar, Narendra Chiplunkar, Noel Gupta, Pradeep Gupta Rajendra Sawant, Ritesh Poojari, Sachin Shetty, Sandip Ambre, Shailaja Gohad, Siddharth Falnikar, Soster D & # 39; souza, Subodh Goregaonkar, Sudhir Jadhav and Vaibhav Pawar and Bhavesh Apte.

Officials: Dominic Savio Lobo, K Vasta, Kalpesh Loke, Kinnari Patel, Kalpana Shah, Sitaram Gamre.

Clubs: UTT, Balkan ji Bari, CCI CLUB, Garware Club, JLTTA, Khar Gymkhana, KRC, Mahila Sangh School, Malabar Hill, MCF, Poinsur Gymkhana, PRO-TT, Vectors Sports & Events

Best clubs: JVPG and NSCI

VK Bhatia Scholarship: Mrinalini Singh (younger girls), Ananya Chande (sub-junior girls).

Source: Press release

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