An organization riddled with rats, overflowing with violence and where prisoners are increasingly self-harming. That’s the discovery of a gruesome report in Chelmsford prison. The report...
Years of racism. Sexist and homophobic messages. A former officer has made some disturbing allegations against Leicestershire police, who are proud to represent the rich diversity...
Boris Johnson stressed that his speech to the CBI in South Shields had “gone down well” after losing his seat, imitating a car and accidentally moving...
In the midst of the racism scandal that has engulfed the sport, the head of the England and Wales Cricket Commission, Tom Harrison, says he wants...
A Wisconsin jury has found 18-year-old Kyle Rittenhouse innocent against three men, two dead, in a protest against racism sparked by a police shooting in the...
In Europe, a wave of Covid infection is spreading, and authorities are racing to reduce the trend before winter begins. (Subscribe: Austrian media have reported that...
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