The devastating earthquakes in Syria and Turkey displaced countless people and also touched the hearts of people around the world, including the city of Markham. Organized...
This week marked one month since a 7.8-magnitude earthquake struck near the Turkish city of Gaziantep on February 6, followed by dozens of powerful aftershocks. More...
CNN – Five digital activists have created a website to help provide shelter for earthquake survivors in Syria and Turkey that have left millions homeless in...
Istanbul, Turkey CNN – Turkey’s Justice Ministry said about 200 people have been arrested over allegations of poor building construction following the catastrophic earthquake that struck...
ISTANBUL (AP) — Survivors of the earthquake that struck Turkey and Syria 15 days ago, killing tens of thousands of people and displacing hundreds of thousands,...
CNN – More than 10 days after the devastating 7.8-magnitude earthquake struck Turkey and Syria, people continue to be pulled out of the rubble alive, defying...
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