In the split-screen world of divided American politics, Fox News is focusing on the resignation of Secret Service chief Kimberly Cheattle, who she blames for failing...
Democracy is under attack throughout the western world: from external powers such as Russia, China and Iran, and from within: the rise of populism, disinformation and...
It has spent four years struggling with poor approval ratings and some derision. But Kamala Harris will almost certainly become the Democratic nominee to face Donald...
The state of Pennsylvania is considered one of the most important swing states in the country. But what do ordinary voters there make of this inverted...
He may be the oldest president in US history, but Joe Biden was one of its youngest senators when he began his political career more than...
America is preparing for the 2024 election – a rematch between Biden and Trump. The gap between Democrats and Republicans may be wider than ever, and...
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