France's high-speed rail network was plunged into chaos just hours before the opening ceremony of the Paris Olympics following a series of coordinated arson attacks. The...
Georgia McComb from the East Coast Laboratory explains to Dannevirke residents about the Hikurangi subduction zone and seismic research. Photography: Layan War There is no way...
A sperm whale flashes its tail over Kaikoura Valley off the coast of the South Island. photo/file One of the largest earthquakes wiped out life within...
Twin Hooke’s Bay tremors struck this morning in an area known to be seismically active – and may be linked to a deep-seated, slow-burning earthquake that...
A taxi driver and the father of four children, Ivan Skyba, was one of a group of Ukrainian men who were defending a street in the...
The video shows the moment when Casey White, an Alabama prisoner who escaped, was caught by police after a car chase in Evansville, Indiana. White escaped...
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