"Notable Canterbury earthquake claims include those subject to dispute and litigation, as well as recently received maximum claims from … Picture Credit!
… a steel mesh and has 24 basic insulators that separate its structure from the ground, which means it must withstand an earthquake in 1,000 years....
Anything less than 34 percent of the new construction standard is vulnerable to earthquakes. The highly resilient apartments on Victoria Street have … Picture Credit!
Rotorua was hit by a series of small shallow earthquakes early this morning. GeoNet has recorded several earthquakes in the region since …. Picture Credit!
Demolitions at the Wellington defense house, which was damaged in the 2016 Kaikoura earthquake. Photo by Mark Mitchell. Georgina Campbell. By: Georgina …. Picture Credit!
The Saint-Girard monastery and church buildings are vulnerable to earthquakes and they have been given 2027 time to reinforce them. They are …. Picture Credit!
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