The Conservatives have suffered their worst ever defeat in a landslide victory to bring Keir Starmer to power, but there are big challenges ahead for the...
Labor has won the UK general election, declaring the results of almost all parliamentary seats. Keir Starmer has become the new Prime Minister after meeting the...
Is it illegal for politicians to bet on elections? Sources 1/ 2/ The mention sources can contact us to remove/changing this article
Election day is less than a week away, and so far the headlines have been dominated by the betting scandal, the rise of Reform and Rishi...
Ed Davey has now teamed up with Keir Starmer and Rishi Sunak to find out who in their party might be caught up in the betting...
It was bad enough that a member of parliament close to the Prime Minister admitted that he had bet on the election date. (Subscribe to:
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