The future of post-apocalyptic reconstruction may pass through an ancient city founded by a general for Alexander the Great. The city of Antakya, formerly known as...
Under the waters off the northeastern coast of Japan where two tectonic plates meet, scientists aboard a research ship are investigating the causes of one of...
The ShakeAlert earthquake early warning system in California, Oregon and Washington, operated by the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS), now uses real-time satellite data in addition to...
Living in Japan means living with the risk of a devastating earthquake at any time. But people tend to look at this threat in abstract terms....
Thiruvananthapuram: Unusual thunder sound in Ambalavayal and Edakkal areas of Wayanad on Friday triggered panic, especially in view of the recent landslides. The sound of thunder...
Hirogawa, Wakayama Prefecture – When a massive earthquake struck off the coast of the Kii Peninsula, the residents of Hiroo had no smartphone alerts or loudspeakers...
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