A special two-hour program in British politics with all the days, votes, analysis and reactions. (Name: ——- See more of our explanation here – https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list… Receive...
Subscribe to BBC News www.youtube.com/bbcnews Clive James: “It’s a tender truth that I died and now I’m talking about being my ghost” After being diagnosed with...
The Black Lives Matter’s protests in the UK and debates over public states have made clear the nation’s ongoing imperial past and its reverberations. Kenya was...
The two U.S. presidential candidates have clashed over jobs, terrorism and race in a bitter televised debate. The attacks became personal as Republican Donald Trump accused...
In a CNN debate in Brooklyn, New York, Hillary Clinton pressured Dana Bash of CNN about transcripts of her talk. . source
If Brexit is taking control, it seems that parliamentarians have finally taken over. (Name: The rebel stories joined the opposition in defeating Theresa May for the...
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