The BBC Asian Network’s Divya Talwar reports on the growing numbers of ”honour” crimes in the UK. More than 11,000 were recorded by police forces between...
How do you better diversify a police force? That’s the question countless departments around the US are facing as pressure to hire more minority officers mounts...
Victoria Derbyshire’s Benjamin Zand goes on a quest for immortality and meets people who think we could live forever. This film is part of the BBC’s...
The Cossacks were Russian military cavalry, who saw themselves as Orthodox Christian warriors in the voluntary service of the tsar. Repressed after the Bolshevik revolution, they...
Catrin Nye has spoken to a “Ben” man who has slept between 30 and 40 prostitutes. He is 30 years old, single, lives in London and...
It is estimated that one in five people in the UK has a tattoo, and this number is even higher among young people. The neck, hands...
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