DOnald Trump attended one of his then-daily White House Coronavirus briefings on April 17, and at a rare and candid moment. Speaking openly About his prediction...
“The United States and other countries are already trying to gain a foothold in a pandemic that has killed nearly one million people and sick 30...
As for COVID-19, I’m not critical of the choices of others, except that those who pay less attention than others are irresponsible and those who take...
President Donald Trump (IANS) US President Donald Trump has announced that the United States will produce a sufficient amount of coronavirus vaccine for “all Americans” by...
CNN’s John King discusses new polling stations in major battlefields with Alex Burns in The New York Times. #CNN #New. source
At a CNN town hall, Democratic presidential candidate Joe Biden was outraged by talking about his son Beau Biden, who died of cancer, in a health...
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