Retiring Pennslyvania Sen. Pat Toomey tells CNN’s Erin Burnett why he thinks former President Donald Trump’s endorsement of gubernatorial candidate Doug Mastriano contributed to Mastriano’s loss....
CNN’s Michael Smerconish reacts to Democrat John Fetterman’s victory in the Pennsylvania Senate race and thinks the Biden administration should remove him. #CNN #News Sources 1/...
In campaign remarks, Doug Mastriano, the Republican candidate for governor of Pennsylvania, commented on the “privileged” school attended by his rival, Democratic Attorney General Josh Shapiro....
Former Secretary of State Mike Pompeo is meeting with the committee Jan. 6, a source familiar with the matter told CNN. The deposition will be held...
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Deputy Adam Kinzinger (R-IL) calls on GOP leaders including Marjorie Taylor Green and Tucker Carlson to stand up to the environment that leads to the theory...
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