NEW DELHI: Earthquakes were felt in northern India, Pakistan and Afghanistan on Wednesday afternoon. Residents of cities including Peshawar, Islamabad and Lahore in Pakistan and New...
Jaipur Earthquake Today: Because of the earthquake that hit Jaipur at 4.9 am on Friday in Rajasthan… Sources 1/ 2/ The mention sources can contact...
July 21, 2023, 09:21 a.m. ISTS Source: Residents of Jaipur woke up to three earthquakes in the early hours of Friday morning. The earthquakes were...
The intensity of the Jaipur earthquake was only 4 and the sound and vibration was scary when watching the video of an earthquake in Jaipur –...
Jaipur Earthquake: The big news this morning is from Rajasthan as powerful tremors from the earthquake are waking people up from their slumber. Sources 1/
As many as three earthquakes hit Jaipur in Rajasthan in the early hours of Friday in the space of half an hour. The National Center of...
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