Bollywood actor Vicky Kaushal took a trip down memory lane as his debut film 'Masaan' celebrated its ninth anniversary today. Sharing a poignant moment from Neeraj...
Akshay Kumar's latest film, Sarfirawas not a box office success. It may be his 11th film to fail so miserably in a row. Sarfira was the...
Mumbai, Maharashtra, India: happn, the leading real-life dating app, is shaking things up with the launch of its exciting new app Leisure features. This new update...
Priyanka Chopra The actress is no stranger to a hectic lifestyle, but her recent busy schedule seems to have caught up with her. Fresh off starring...
Taylor Swift performs during “The Eras Tour” at Veltins Arena on July 17, 2024, in Gelsenkirchen, Germany. Andreas Rentz/TAS24 | Getty Images LONDON Taylor Swift's “The...
Ecstatic. Amazing. Joyful. Overjoyed. Take your pick. Pixar Inside Out 2 blocked the release of another Disney Frozen II The Hollywood animated film is on track...
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