Deadly flooding in Kentucky has killed at least 30 and left hundreds unaccounted for. CNN’s Ana Cabrera interviews survivor Jessica Willett, who was in her home...
CNN’s Evan McMorris-Santoro continues to work with his mother Jessica Kelly, an unmarried mother, and continues her new job at the Kawasaki Factory in Lincoln, Nebraska....
CNN’s Evan McMorris-Santoro has reported the deaths of 13 dead in Philadelphia. #CNN #News. Sources 1/ 2/ The mention sources can contact us to remove/changing...
Chris and Kelsey Waits describe the ugliness of being re-elected as chairman of his school board in Hastings, Minnesota after Kelsey’s unsuccessful race. #CNN #News. Sources...
Students in the southern school district of Pennsylvania are battling the latest example of panic spreading how history and race are taught in U.S. schools. “I...
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