The court will soon be adjourned. Judy Sheindlin, the reality star "Judge Judy," announced in an interview with Ellen Degeneres announced on Monday that the show's...
ATLANTA Two members of the Dave & # 39; s Running Shop racing teams completed the 2020 U.S. Olympic Test Marathon in Atlanta over the weekend....
In the United States, the total cost of health care represented about 18% of GDP in 2019; with gross domestic product of about $ 21 trillion,...
NORWALK, Connecticut (BUSINESS WIRE) – March 2, 2020 – HomeServe USA (HomeServe), a leading provider of home emergency repair service plans, received 7 Gold, 14 Silver...
Conference USA organizes an annual women's basketball tournament. The winner automatically receives an application for the NCAA Women's Basketball Tournament. Conference USA includes 14 teams, including...
Three-time Olympic gold medalist Aly Raisman said USA Gymnastics was involved in a "cover-up" and castigated the organization's proposed rules that absolve officials of all responsibility...
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