Timothe Chalamet will play ping-pong legend Marty Reisman in a new film from one of the Safdie brothers, titled “Marty Supreme.” After his role as Bob...
IDAHO FALLS Following last week's 47-0 loss to Skyline High School in the Emotion Bowl rivalry game, parents and players from the Idaho Falls High School...
By TennisNu | @Tennis_Now | Saturday October 5, 2024Photo credits: J. Emilio Flores/Cal State LA Billie Jean King is a social rights fighter and Hall of...
The Holland Christian boys tennis team won the OK Green Conference championship on Friday. The Maroons won the conference tournament with 55 points. Unity Christian came...
World Table Tennis: China's Wang Chuqin and Liang Jingkun cruised to a five-set victory against teammates Lin Shidong and Lin Gaoyuan to claim the men's doubles...
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