His name is on the battle bus, the election leaflets and the posters surrounding every speech Theresa May makes. For the Tories, the Prime Minister is...
UK Prime Minister Rishi Suna has announced a general election for July 4, 2024. Sources 1/ https://Google.com/ 2/ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FaqSyuvN-lg The mention sources can contact us to remove/changing...
Rishi Sunak has again refused to rule out a general election in July, amid speculation that a disastrous set of local election results this coming Thursday...
Theresa May calls a general election in a prediction few saw coming. The Prime Minister set a date outside Downing Street for June 8. Channel 4...
Jeremy Corbyn has come out to fight on the third day of the pre-election campaign with a harsh speech against the Establishments, promising to put power...
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