Mankind knows surprisingly little about the depth of the ocean. Frequently repeated evidence of this is the fact that humans have done a better job of...
Over the last 100 years, we have made incredible advances in health care. This is an advance that is considered a miracle by previous generations.For example,...
Many of us are unaware of this, but vitamin D is the ultimate source of energy for our body and we tend to ignore this fact...
Looking at the economic history of the last two decades, it may be tempting to draw specific lessons. The lesson is: Millennials are screwed in. The...
Microplastics are everywhere in our world- Sea, Land, air, food supply-and now scientists have found the presence of small particles in human organs and tissues. According...
Scientists have developed a “blueprint” of human embryos using human stem cells as a breakthrough that could provide essential insights into the early stages of infant...
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