The children of this year’s Nobel Peace Prize laureate Narges Mohammadi are receiving the prize instead of their mother, who remains in the notorious Evin Prison...
The USS Carney shot down at least three Houthi drones headed in the ship’s direction in the southern Red Sea and responded to a distress call...
The Royal Air Force and Save the Children have pulled their adverts from Google’s search partner network, this programme has discovered – after their ads were...
A US military aircraft fired on a vehicle and killed hostile forces following an attack on US and coalition forces at Al-Asad Airbase in Iraq, a...
This video shows Israel’s defence system shooting down a rocket fired from Yemen, in what was probably the first-ever warfare to happen in #space #gaza #israel...
In a rare announcement, the US military said a guided missile submarine has arrived in the Middle East, a message of deterrence clearly directed at regional...
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