Israeli soldiers are continuing to search the al Shifa hospital in Gaza City – where they say Hamas has based its command centre deep underground. Hamas,...
The Israeli Defence Forces have said this evening that they are continuing their operation in Gaza’s biggest hospital, after entering Al Shifa in the early hours...
The desperate plight of civilians trapped inside hospitals in northern Gaza – encircled by Israeli forces fighting Hamas – is raising alarm around the world. The...
Our Foreign Affairs Correspondent Secunder Kermani, was live in Tel Aviv. Sources 1/ 2/ The mention sources can contact us to remove/changing this article
Filmmaker Yousef Hammash – who also works for the Norwegian Refugee Council – has been sending us powerful reports on what life is like for people...
Concerns are growing over the fate of hundreds of patients who are still at the al-Shifa hospital in Gaza city, as doctors struggle to keep them...
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