As the Jan. 6 trial continues, CNN’s Jake Tapper examines “American Experiments,” a phrase coined in the New-York Daily Tribune in 1860, that confronts the current...
Legendary journalists Bob Woodward and Carl Bernstein reacted on the third day of the House Select Committee hearings on the January 6 uprising and Donald Trump’s...
Conservative lawyer George Conway explains why Trump had criminal intent and “more legal issues” after the January 6 third committee hearing #CNN #News Sources 1/
Capitol Police Officer Sargent Aquilino Gonnell has been on trial since Jan. 6. He says that while former Vice President Mike Pence was brave enough to...
CNN’s Jeffrey Toobin has reacted to three house trials investigating the Jan. 6 Capitol incident, and a tweet from Donald Trump that day may have legal...
The House Select Committee investigating the January 6 Capitol incident presents a pre-produced collection of Trump’s main allies, recounting a “hot” phone call between former President...
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