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Chicago (WLS)-Illinois public health officials reported 676 new confirmed possible cases of COVID-19 and eight associated deaths on Friday. Since the outbreak of the pandemic, there...
Chicago (WLS)-Chicago and Cook County will not participate in other parts of Illinois to expand Phase 1B eligibility for the COVID vaccine, Mayor Lori Lightfoot and...
Charleston — An additional 18 Coles County residents were announced on Wednesday that they tested positive for COVID-19. According to a news release from the Coles...
Chicago (WLS)-Illinois public health officials reported 7,873 new, potentially confirmed cases of COVID-19, along with 108 deaths on Saturday. See: Lower Illinois positive rates may be...
Chicago (WLS)-Illinois surpassed 12,000 deaths in COVID-19 on Friday and exceeded 700,000 in cases of coronavirus disease. Public health officials in Illinois reported 66 new confirmed...
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