How do you better diversify a police force? That’s the question countless departments around the US are facing as pressure to hire more minority officers mounts...
Elon Musk tweeted a video mocking a Twitter closet full of “#StayWoke” clothes. In a since-deleted tweet, Musk called the “hands up, don’t shoot” movement “fiction.”...
The family of dead teenager Michael Brown in St. He arrives at the funeral service in Louis, Missouri. Sources 1/ 2/ The mention sources can...
A federal investigation is underway as videos filmed by viewers show police officers tying and shooting 37-year-old Alton Sterling at a 37-year-old convenience store. . Sources...
Columbia, Mo. (AP) — The percentage of homes with earthquake insurance in the most vulnerable areas of Missouri has reached a historic low amid rising costs...
Did Michael Brown steal the grocery store? Why did Darren Wilson turn and kill him? Susan Candiotti reported. . source
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