A new study published on the preprint server bioRxiv* in June 2020 suggests that the presence of unique mutations in the viral strains circulating in India...
Coronavirus mutations have been previously reported, and scientists are now concerned that some strains of the virus may have adapted to humans. Analysis performed on more...
Researchers have found that there are at least 30 strains of new coronavirus that infect people, and that the most dangerous mutations have been identified in...
It’s a sequel. The new coronavirus can mutate rapidly, and multiple strains can have different effects worldwide. It’s a sequel. Studies by top Chinese scientists have...
The global coronavirus illness, the COVID-19 pandemic, has hit the world, affecting 185 countries and territories, affecting 2.4 million people. Now, a team of scientists aims...
With a worldwide pandemic, coronavirus is not the last word. Ebola, Zika, Nipah, SARS, MERS, H1N1, and now COVID-19 — the onslaught of the virus will...
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