Detroit (AP) — Michigan’s largest hospital system addresses a “runaway train” that faces a flood of COVID-19 patients in the suburbs of Detroit and even looks...
Polish hospitals struggled on Easter weekends, with a large number of people infected with COVID-19 after a surge in infections across Central and Eastern Europe in...
Hospitals are flooded with patients, with tragic deaths and COVID-19 infection rates remaining at dangerous levels, but there are some signs that the daily increase in...
During these first nasty weeks of the largest vaccination campaign in US history, Dr. Julie Weishampayan had a battlefield view of a difficult logistical operation. Vaishampayan,...
File-File on Monday, January 4, 2021 In a photo, 82-year-old Brian Pinker receives the Oxford University / AstraZeneca COVID-19 vaccine from a nurse Sam Foster at...
Nurses from the National Institutes of Health and Moderna Inc in Binghamton, NY.Prepare a shot of the COVID-19 vaccine developed by DAVID PITTAP communication Des Moines...
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