Today's earthquake: A simple earthquake struck the state of New Jersey in the United States on Friday, March 21, at approximately 8:23 am, causing light tremors...
An earthquake of 6.2 Pacific Ocean in southern Panama near Kiba Island on Friday. The earthquake caused severe tremors in parts of the neighboring Panama and...
Today's earthquake: An earthquake of 5.9 South Panama was hit on Friday, March 21st, according to the German Earth Science Research Center (GFZ). The earthquake was...
A 5.7-magnitude earthquake struck the border region between Panama and Costa Rica on Monday, according to the German Research Center for Geosciences. The quake was reported...
A strong earthquake with a preliminary magnitude of 6.6 occurred on Wednesday evening in the Caribbean Sea off the border between Panama and Colombia, the US...
A 6.6-magnitude earthquake struck Panama on Tuesday. Sources 1/ 2/ The mention sources can contact us to remove/changing this article
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