Prime Minister Theresa May has addressed questions from MPs in the House of Commons. Please subscribe HERE Sources 1/ 2/ The mention sources can contact...
UK and EU officials have agreed on a draft text of the Brexit deal in Brussels after months of negotiations. When MPs reported its contents, they...
One of PMQ’s theories is that when opposition leaders appear to line up for a clear “victory,” they become harvesters. It doesn’t always work that way,...
Boris Johnson confirmed that the government plans to open a 24/7 vaccination center. After pressured the government to further strengthen the program. Talk in House of...
John Bercow says the Lib Dem leader may be “angry” at some foreign conservatives, but they should let him speak on the prime minister’s questions. The...
UK Prime Minister Theresa May has joked, in the words of an explosively packed disappearance text, to describe Boris Johnson as FFS. He said in this...
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