Demonstrators shout the slogan on Saturday, November 21, 2020, with a sign calling for a recall from Governor Gavin Newsom during a protest against a home...
Los Angeles — The average daily number of coronavirus cases in California tripled last month as the California pandemic worsened dramatically. Coronavirus now infects more Californians...
New York — The COVID-19 vaccine can take months after reaching millions of Americans. Getting all those shots in your arms would be a tremendous task....
Antibodies are proteins that help the body target and eliminate viruses, but it can take several weeks after an infection occurs before the best antibodies are...
Over the last 100 years, we have made incredible advances in health care. This is an advance that is considered a miracle by previous generations.For example,...
Test staff will complete a mandatory lateral flow test swab prior to public release at the Rhydycar Leisure Center in Mercertedville, Wales, on Saturday, November 21,...
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