The Syrian Central Government has signed an agreement with the Kurds Authority that controls the northeast of the country. Ahmed Al-Sharaa is an important step forward...
Meet the enforcers taking on the worst landlords in this housing crisis. They work for England’s councils and their job is to help renters by finding...
Ministers were warned by their own advisers that cutting the UK’s foreign aid budget means thousands of women in Africa will die in pregnancy and childbirth...
After fleeing his war-torn hometown of Damascus, Imad Al Arnab spent three dangerous months trying to reach Europe by being smuggled in trucks. He arrived in...
Survivors cling to life as bodies are carried ashore. The daily tragedy of those who cross the Mediterranean in search of safety and a better life....
Subscribe to the Middle East newsletter and follow us on @middleeast to get news about the region. Some of the most powerful earthquakes in the Middle...
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