India’s Supreme Court has refused to legalise same-sex marriage, saying the decision is up to Parliament. The court was considering 21 petitions by same-sex couples and...
Russian journalist Mikhail Zygar talks to Christiane Amanpour about going public with same-sex marriage, Moscow to pass tough anti-LGBTQ law, and Vladimir Putin withdrawing his military...
GOP Rep. Glenn Thompson attended his gay son’s wedding last week, three days after opposing a US House bill that would have enshrined same-sex marriage protections...
Senator Ted Cruz (R-TX) said marriage is an issue that should be left to states, and in 2015 the U.S. Supreme Court thwarted a landmark decision...
The reaction intensifies against a familiar chicken chain – as both sides deepen. As reported by CNN’s Mary Snow. For more CNN videos, check out our...
Earlier this month the Australian Marriage Equality Act came into force. The first marriages in the new year were expected to provide for a period of...
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