In the latest episode of “Unfiltered,” SE Cupp argues that as former President Donald Trump, now a 2024 presidential hopeful, struggles to build momentum around his...
On the latest episode of “Unfiltered,” SE Cupp argues that in Trump’s world, infighting at the RNC and the Republican House will be good for former...
Democratic strategist James Carville and CNN political commentator SE Cupp discuss Arizona Sen. Kyrsten Sinema, who left the Democratic Party and defeated Arizona Republican gubernatorial candidate...
New Zealand’s Jacinda Ardern and Finland’s Sanna Marin quickly shot down a reporter who asked if their similar age and gender was the reason for the...
CNN political commentator SE Cupp and former Clinton White House press secretary Joe Lockhart discuss former President Donald Trump’s potential impact on the outcome of the...
CNN’s SE Cupp tries to advise President Trump as the partial government shutdown continues over funding for border security. #CNN #News Sources 1/ 2/ The...
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