Cough and cold cases have increased by about 40% in recent months. The Noida Health Department conducted a survey of...
Covid-19, flu, and RSV are present. Also known as a “triple demic”. They all encounter similar symptoms. Coughing, shortness of breath, and nasal congestion are all...
COLUMBUS, OH (WCHS) — Measles outbreaks are increasing in Ohio. It’s been two months since the first infected person was found. As of Wednesday morning, central...
Yakima Valley Memorial Hospital says it has seen many COVID, flu and RSV outbreaks at the same time for some time now. Dr. Marty Brueggemann said...
Grand Rapids, Michigan — Hospitals across the country, including western Michigan, are seeing an increase in flu, RSV, and COVID-19 cases. Health officials say this is...
This unvaccinated kitten was found stray six weeks before being diagnosed with rabies. Thanksgiving and… Sources 1/ 2/ The mention sources can contact us to...
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