how much does it hurt? You might think this is one of the simplest questions in health and medicine. In practice, however, it is a very...
Ounzain says he likes to think of proteins as the hardware building blocks of life. The Dark Genome, on the other hand, is software, processing and...
But the sensors are surprisingly sensitive, and they can also act as a mini-seismometer. Google has introduced a functionality that allows users to allow their phones...
the closest known relative of C. ear teeth C. Hemlonyfound in Wide environmentfrom the guts of fish in the western Atlantic to the skins of dolphins...
Human studies of communication between the gut, brain, and microbiota are still relatively few. “Whether changes in gut bacteria levels are causing the depression, or whether...
Dr. Stephen Rosenak, St. Joseph Optometrist, uses high-resolution images of the eye to point out signs of diabetic retinopathy, which can lead to blindness. Diabetic retinopathy...
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