Conservative MPs have taken stock of the day after Boris Johnson lost two-fifths of his MPs in a confidence vote yesterday. (Subscribe: There was no sign...
Prime Minister Boris Johnson has won a vote of confidence in his leadership. Sources 1/ 2/ The mention sources can contact us to remove/changing this...
“I’ll take you back to victory” – was Boris Johnson’s speech on his political life this afternoon. talk “. (Subscribe: But after months of bitter divisions...
What do voters do with all this? (Subscribe: In just over a fortnight, two decisive by-elections will be held. In Wakefield, current polls suggest the Conservatives...
Boris Johnson will enter Jubilee Weekend when his deputies return to Westminster next week for sure whether they will force a vote of confidence in their...
“I’ll get it and fix it,” Boris Johnson told the Commons today. . (Subscribe: Labour’s Sir Keir Starmer described the Prime Minister as “a shameless man”,...
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